You love to look up at the stars? Wondering if and who else might live in the universe?
Questions like: How will we live in the future? What will we eat? How will society be organized?
All those books peak into the future. Imagine possibilities and how it might be …
- The Missing Jack O’Lantern
- Lifa’s first Trade
- Tika Discovers the Ocean
- The Horn of Life
- Merchant of all Power
- Theft on the Generation Ship
- Love Against all Rules
- Lottery Win: A Walk through the Third Pair of Doors
- The Flower on the Mountain Top
- Discovery – A Flying Worlds Novel
- Intertwined Fate
- Human Interactions Preferred
- The Water Theft
- Support Refused
- Red: #890000
- Sweet Depths
- Crossroads with Half the Information
- Shards of her Life
- Served like Red Wine
- Corrupted Food Storage
- Coloring an Apple
- Alien Visit
- Abandoned Time Travel